Piadina Romagnola or piada is a delicious street food typical of Romagna, known and appreciated all over the world. This poor recipe of ancient origins is still prepared today following precise instructions, using only flour, water, lard (or extra virgin olive oil) and salt.
In Romagna there are two variants of piadina: the piadina Romagnola, thicker and typical of the provinces of Forlì-Cesena and Ravenna, and the piadina riminise, thinner, characteristic of Rimini.
Farina 00 : 500 g
Warm water: 220 ml
Saindoux : 50 g
Salt: to taste
Baking soda: a pinch
How to make Piadina Romagnola
Step 1:
In a bowl, mix the flour with the lard, salt and a pinch of baking soda. Pour in the water and start stirring.
Step 2:
When the mixture has taken shape, knead it for a long time with your hands on a work surface until you get a smooth and homogeneous dough.
Step 3:
Cover the dough with a clean cotton cloth and let it rest at room temperature for about 10 minutes.
Step 4:
Divide the dough into 8 pieces of the same weight and shape as the balls and turn them on the work surface. Cover them with a kitchen towel and let them rest for about 30 minutes.
Step 5:
Roll out the balls in a thin layer with a rolling pin to obtain discs with a diameter of about 24 cm and a thickness of 2-3 mm.
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