Say goodbye to marks on the floor! With just 3 tablespoons everything will shine

Say goodbye to marks on the floor! With just 3 tablespoons everything will shine

If streaks on the floor are your pet peeve , the  main problem lies  not   so much in the detergent you use or the way you brush the mop, but  in the mop itself. Let’s start from the premise that, whatever the material,  it would be advisable to use a neutral and natural detergent  : Marseille soap, dissolved in a bucket of lukewarm … Read more



Remove any caked-on dirt. If your shoes are particularly dirty, you may want to start by taking them outside and slapping them together to knock loose any large bits of dirt or mud. If you leave too much mud on the shoe, it will take a lot longer to get them clean. Make sure to … Read more

22 Cleaning tips and tricks that Mr. Clean himself would approve of if he could.

22 Cleaning tips and tricks that Mr. Clean himself would approve of if he could.

Dealing with household cleaning tasks can be quite a chore, especially when you’re pressed for time and energy. Who wants to spend precious hours on a day off scrubbing floors and walls? Fortunately, we’ve compiled an array of unique and highly effective cleaning tips that will have your living space looking impeccable without the usual … Read more