Washing floors is the last step in cleaning the house, which not only helps maintain cleanliness, but also ensures comfort. Household chemicals do not always give satisfactory results and are also expensive. Today we are going to prepare with you a home remedy that will quickly and easily clean your floors and restore their splendor.
How to make homemade balls?
All you have to do is take a few available ingredients and mix them. First, put on protective gloves.
To prepare homemade balls we will need:
250 g of sodium bicarbonate.
1/2 tbsp. tablespoons of dish soap.
1 tbsp. tablespoon of fabric softener.
1 tbsp. L. isopropyl alcohol.
Then you need to add a little water. In a small bowl, mix the ingredients thoroughly and form several balls. You only need one for cleaning.
A floor washed with water with the addition of this product will not only shine, but also have a pleasant smell. In addition, less dust will settle on it than usual. And all thanks to the softener, which has antistatic properties.
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