Recipe for Bavarian Strawberry Cream


Add the strawberry puree, jelly with strawberry smoothie to the cooled cream mixture and stir with a spatula.

Whip the cream until stiff and add to the remaining cream.

Pour the cream for the strawberry Bavarian into single-dose verrines or into a one-piece silicone mold.

Place the strawberry Bavarian in the refrigerator for about 2 hours until it sets.

When you are ready to serve the strawberry bavaroise, decorate it with whole strawberries and tufts of whipped cream.


If you want, you can replace the milk for the cream with the same amount of cream.

You can also use other types of fruit.

If you want, you can strain the strawberry puree through a fine mesh sieve to remove the seeds.

You can add vanilla flavoring or the inner seeds of a vanilla pod.


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