11 Homemade Tips to Give Your Damaged Clothes a Second Life


4. Dish soap for grass stains
When your kids play outside, they often come home with grass stains on their clothes. Getting rid of them is easy: just wash the fabric with a tablespoon of dish soap and two tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide.

5. Tea bags to deodorize shoes
Who has never taken off their shoes at the end of the day and is hit by a bad smell? To eliminate odors and deodorize them, you can insert tea bags inside. The result will be incredible.

6. Shoe shine bread
Suede shoes get dirty very quickly, especially if they are worn frequently. To remove stains, rub them with stale bread and you’re done.

7. Safety pin to thread the sweatshirt drawstring
Who hasn’t pulled a sweatshirt drawstring too hard and watched it slip off completely? To put it back in place, you’ll need to attach a safety pin to one end to make the process easier.

8. Baby talcum powder against oil stains
Talcum powder is great for removing oil stains. Just apply it to the dirty fabric, leave it for half an hour and then remove with a brush.

9. Shaving cream for makeup stains
This DIY tip is perfect for those who often indulge in pranks and end up with makeup stains on their shirt collars. To remove stains, simply cover them with shaving cream for a few minutes before washing them.

10. Vinegar to preserve the color of jeans
If you want to keep the original color of your jeans, you need to add vinegar to the washing machine. This means that the fabric will not fade.

11. Razor to remove age spots from a sweatshirt
If you wear a sweatshirt often, unsightly lumps will form, making it look old and worn. To remove them, simply run a razor over it.



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