A huge garbage bag, or similar, is the first item you’ll need. The oven rack ought to fit snugly within the bag. You are under no obligation to purchase one if you do not already own one. Substitute the tablet with ordinary washing detergent; that’s all.
A bowl is the next item you’ll need for placing the detergent or tablet. To ensure a thorough dissolution, add hot water to the bowl before pouring it straight over the tablet. It goes without saying that the water shouldn’t be boiling or else it can burst the bag. Use a fork to hasten the dissolving process if the tablet is still partially intact.
Stir in three or four teaspoons of baking powder. By combining these ingredients, you may make a powerful combination that can dissolve even the most entrenched grease. Transfer the liquid to the bag. To avoid puncturing the bag, make sure it is not too thick.