Ginger is highly appreciated both in the kitchen for its particular aroma and flavor, tending to spiciness, and for the preparation of herbal teas, compresses and mixtures to take advantage of its many beneficial properties such as promoting digestion or calming coughs.
Ginger can be used fresh or powdered and many think that, being an oriental spice, it is difficult or even impossible to grow indoors: ginger in fact, apart from a few small tricks, does not require any special care and can be grown in pots without danger.
The best time to plant ginger root is between the end of winter and the beginning of summer using a rhizome (root) that preferably has a few shoots: it is good to buy it in stores specializing in organic products rather than using the one from the supermarket that may have been treated with substances to delay its germination.
The roots need space to develop so a fairly large and deep pot is recommended, to be filled with well-drained clayey-sandy soil and compost because it is a crop that needs a lot of food.
If the rhizome has several shoots, it can also be cut into several pieces (each with at least two shoots) so as to obtain more plants from a single root; a 35 cm diameter pot can accommodate up to three plants
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