Grandma’s Three-Day Liver Cleanse with Carrot Juice


Cleansing the liver can help rejuvenate your energy, clear toxins from your system, and improve overall health. One of the traditional methods passed down through generations involves using carrot juice, known for its high vitamin A content, antioxidants, and other liver-friendly nutrients. Here’s how to perform a simple three-day liver cleanse using carrot juice, according to a time-honored recipe.


  • Fresh carrots (enough to make 3 cups of juice per day)
  • Fresh apples (optional, to enhance flavor and add pectin)
  • Fresh beets (optional, for added liver support)
  • Lemon juice (optional, for extra detoxifying properties)
  • Fresh ginger (optional, for boosting digestion and enhancing flavor)


Day 1:

  1. Prepare the Juice:
    • Juice enough carrots to make three cups of carrot juice. If you like, add an apple and a small piece of beet to enhance the juice’s liver-cleansing properties and flavor.
    • Add a squeeze of lemon juice and a small piece of ginger for an extra detox boost.
  2. Divide and Consume:
    • Divide the juice into three equal parts to be consumed morning, noon, and evening.
    • Drink each portion on an empty stomach, at least 30 minutes before meals.

Day 2:

  • Repeat the procedure from Day 1. Ensure fresh juice is made daily to maximize the nutrients absorbed by your body. Keep hydrating with water throughout the day to help flush toxins.

Day 3:

  • Follow the same juicing and consumption routine. By the third day, you might start feeling more energetic and notice a natural improvement in your digestive health.

Additional Tips:

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