Delicious Dinner Rolls!!!


Put oil or baking spray on a 9×13 baking pan. Put aside.

Mix hot water, milk, butter chunks, sugar, and salt together, then heat in the microwave for one minute. Mix until everything has melted. Put in a stand mixer.

Add around 3 ½ cups of flour, along with the yeast, and mix at medium speed using a paddle attachment. Add more flour if necessary until the dough is soft. You want the dough to be a little bit sticky.

Change the dough hook and mix for 6-8 minutes.

If mixing by hand, place the dough on a floured surface and knead for approximately 6-8 minutes.

Then, cut the dough into 15 pieces and shape them into balls by rolling them. For round objects, it can be helpful to use a scale to measure them accurately.

Put the dough in a greased pan that measures 9 by 13 inches.

Place a clean cloth over it and let it sit in a warm spot for around 20 minutes or until it has doubled in size.

Cook the rolls in an oven at 350 degrees Fahrenheit for approximately 15-20 minutes, or until they turn golden brown.

Take the rolls out of the oven and right away brush them with melted butter.

Let it cool a bit before serving.


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